Wednesday, February 4, 2015

My Brother Charlie

My Brother Charlie is a realistic fiction book for grades 2-5, written by, Holly Robinson Peete and Ryan Peete, and illustrated by Shane Evans. This is an amazing story is about a boy named, Charlie. The story is told by Charlie’s sister Callie. Callie tells the story of what life is like in the shoes of her wonderful brother, Charlie, who has autism. Callie wants the world to know that although her brother may act differently than others that he is just like everyone else. Callie speaks about the similarities as well as the differences between the two of them. This book teaches children to respect one another by accepting their differences.


This story had attractive illustrations from the beginning until the end. The pictures help to tell the story of the love shared between the brother and sister. The style and tone of this story is definitely appropriate for its intended audience. The illustrations are like beautiful paintings where the appearance of brushstrokes are visible in each page. The illustrator uses a mixture of warm and cool tones in order to show the change in the mood. This story is a great way to give children a better understanding that people with disabilities are just like them; they’re just different.


Discussion Questions:

What does what does the word unique mean to you?

Do you help others when they need assistance?

Define the word respect in your own words.

How do you respect others?


Motivational Activity (To teach respect like Saint Leo’s Core Value): 

Work alone or with a partner to create a song, a rap, or a chant about respect. Your words should tell why respect is important and how it could make the world a better place.


Something Unique About the Author: 

This story is based on Holly Robinson Peete’s own personal life. Holly Robinson Peete is an actress and national spokesperson for autism. She has twins and one of her twins has autism. The story is narrated by her daughter, speaking about the life of her brother who has autism. Another unique fact about the author is that her twin daughter actually co-wrote this book with her.  



Jaqanath, Nirasha. (April/2010). Chat With Holly Robinson Peete About Her Book “My Brother Charlie”. Mommyniri. Retrieved from

Peete, Ryan. & Robinson Peete. (2010) H. My Brother Charlie. Scholastic Inc.

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