Sunday, February 15, 2015

Charlotte's Web

Charlotte’s Web is a fantasy by E. B. White and illustrated by Garth Williams for children ages 8 and up. This story is about a pig named Wilbur who lived on a farm but was in danger of being killed by the father of Fern Arable. Fern was a little girl who was a true animal lover. She showed friendship and compassion towards the pig and convinced her father to spare the pig’s life. The pig was eventually transferred to a new home where he meets Charlotte the spider. Wilbur is once again is in danger of being slaughtered when Charlotte spins wonderful messages in its web in order to convince the farmer to spare the Wilbur’s life. The story introduces the readers to many emotions. The story introduces death, friendship, compassion, and happiness. This story is great for the classroom because it will force children to understand different emotions. It will also invoke questions in the minds of young readers.
The illustrations enhance the story. The illustrations look like ink drawings and they tell the story of friendship, sadness, compassion and love. The emotions come through in the drawings which makes comprehension of the text easier for readers.
Discussion Questions:
Describe the main characters of the story.
What emotions did you feel while reading this story?
Have you ever had a friend who had to move away? If so, how did it make you feel?
What do you think about the personality of Fern Arable?
What is your definition of a true friend?
Feelings Collage Activity:
Give your child some paper, scissors, glue and old magazines. You can either provide a list of feelings that she needs to find faces to match or have her make a collage of faces and tell you what the emotions are. When she’s done, label the emotions and hang the collage somewhere where it can be easily accessed.
Books By Author:
Stuart Little
The Trumpet Swan
Here is New York
One Man’s Meat
White, E. B. (2012). Charlotte’s Web. HarperCollins Publishing

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