Sunday, February 15, 2015

I am Rosa Parks

I am Rosa Parks was written by Brad Meltzer and illustrated by Christopher Eliopoulos in 2014, for ages 5 to 8 years old. This is a picturebook biography series about Rosa Parks and how she stood up for herself and helped to pave the way for other African American people. Ms. Rosa Parks stayed seated when others demanded for her to move. This may seem like a small statement but it was strong and bold, and through it, changes were made. Rosa Parks helped to end bus segregation. She also helped to launch the Civil Rights Movement. This story is told in a way that children can comprehend. Children can learn to appreciate American history and its importance.


The illustrations are comic style in which children can appreciate. The beautiful artwork is both charming and entertaining. The illustrations enhance the story of Rosa Parks. The illustrations and the story are educational but they keep the interest of the young readers. The illustrations are unique in that there are captions with the pictures. The reader can see the emotions of the characters throughout the book. You can see movement through the illustrations and the words of importance are in bold print. There are actual real pictures present of Rosa Parks at the end of the book.


Discussion Questions:

Do you think that Rosa Parks is a leader?

What did she do that makes her be heroic?

Why do you think Rosa parks stayed seated?

Do you think that Rosa Parks did the right thing by staying seated? Why/Why not?

What type of positive things can you do to make a powerful statement like Ms. Rosa Parks?


Leadership Activity:

Have students write down a list of at least ten traits of a leader. Then ask them to name a person who was a great leader in our American history that made a positive difference. They can name a leader that best fits their list of leadership traits and discuss this with their classmates. They can also have fun practicing being a great leader in class. Each week the teacher can pick a dfferent student to be the leader.


Books by the Author:

I am Jackie Robinson

I am Abraham Lincoln

I am Amelia Earhart

I am Albert Einstein

The Inner Circle

Heroes for my Daughter




Meltzer, Brad. (2014). I am Rosa Parks. Dial Books Publishing.

No Mirrors In My Nana's House

No Mirrors in My Nana’s House is a multicultural book that can also fall under contemporary realistic fiction. The book was written by Ysaye Barnwell and illustrated by Synthia Saint James in 2005, for children ages 5 and up. No Mirrors in My Nana’s House is also a musical. This book is about a little African American girl who sees her beauty in the eyes of her nana. There are no mirrors in their house but the grandmother is able to teach the girl what true beauty is without the use of a mirror. The little repeats in the book that she only knew love and never knew hate, or the color of skin. This little girl was able to see not only her beauty, but the beauty in everything. This book can be a tool in the classroom to help with problems that young people might go through in today’s society with image and self-esteem issues.


The illustrations are bright, colorful and exciting. The illustrator uses a mixture of cool and warm colors. The illustrations are captivating and grabs the reader’s attention because although there are no facial features, you can still see the beauty of the drawings.


Discussion Questions:

What does the word beauty mean to you?

What does it mean to look at beauty from within?

What does the girl mean when says she knew love and never knew hate?

How does the girl see her own beauty in her nana’s eyes?


Self-Esteem Activity:

Make a list of at least five strengths you have.

Make a list of at least five greatest achievements in your life. You can work towards these goals.

Make a list of 20 things you know how to do.


Books By Author:

We Are One



Barnwell, Ysaye. (2005). No Mirror’s in My Nana’s House. HMH Books for Young Readers Publishing.


Charlotte's Web

Charlotte’s Web is a fantasy by E. B. White and illustrated by Garth Williams for children ages 8 and up. This story is about a pig named Wilbur who lived on a farm but was in danger of being killed by the father of Fern Arable. Fern was a little girl who was a true animal lover. She showed friendship and compassion towards the pig and convinced her father to spare the pig’s life. The pig was eventually transferred to a new home where he meets Charlotte the spider. Wilbur is once again is in danger of being slaughtered when Charlotte spins wonderful messages in its web in order to convince the farmer to spare the Wilbur’s life. The story introduces the readers to many emotions. The story introduces death, friendship, compassion, and happiness. This story is great for the classroom because it will force children to understand different emotions. It will also invoke questions in the minds of young readers.
The illustrations enhance the story. The illustrations look like ink drawings and they tell the story of friendship, sadness, compassion and love. The emotions come through in the drawings which makes comprehension of the text easier for readers.
Discussion Questions:
Describe the main characters of the story.
What emotions did you feel while reading this story?
Have you ever had a friend who had to move away? If so, how did it make you feel?
What do you think about the personality of Fern Arable?
What is your definition of a true friend?
Feelings Collage Activity:
Give your child some paper, scissors, glue and old magazines. You can either provide a list of feelings that she needs to find faces to match or have her make a collage of faces and tell you what the emotions are. When she’s done, label the emotions and hang the collage somewhere where it can be easily accessed.
Books By Author:
Stuart Little
The Trumpet Swan
Here is New York
One Man’s Meat
White, E. B. (2012). Charlotte’s Web. HarperCollins Publishing

The Maze Runner

The Maze Runner is a science fiction book written by James Dashner in 2010 for ages 12 and up. This is a very intense chapter book for older children. This book grabs the attention of the reader from the very beginning. It is about a boy named Thomas who wakes up in a foreign world in an elevator, not remembering anything about his own life. He is taken to this land of about 60 other boys who have learned how to survive on their own. Every thirty days a new boy arrives, but they eventually have a girl enter into their world and things change. They are not able to leave their enclosed area\land so they had to assign groups with different tasks, so that they would be able to escape someday. These teenagers have to learn how to survive without adults, and they have to find a way back home, but they are losing hope. This book is full of action and suspense. All of the suspense and action almost leaves the reader speechless. This is a must read for mature readers who love excitement and adventure. This is also a great way to introduce team building and survival skills to students in the classroom.

This is a chapter book so there are not really any illustrations. The book is so detailed that mature readers do not need pictures. The text give so much information and are very thought provoking that the text paints a picture in the imagination of the reader.  


Discussion Questions:

What do you think of the characters?

What would you do if you were stranded and had to survive on you own?

What could the characters have done differently?

Do you think the teens worked well as a team?

How could they have become a better team?

Which character made to most progress in your opinion?


Teamwork and Survival Activity:

In groups have students invent their own scenarios. The possibilities are endless! Each group should write the scenario down. Have groups switch their stories and prepare to role play the scenario and a solution.  Discuss their solutions and other possibilities.

An example of a scenario:

You and a friend have been hiking all afternoon in a large forest. The sun is beginning to set, and you decide that it is time to head for home. Unfortunately, you and your friend disagree about the direction that will lead you back.

What items do you need to have with you? What should you do? 


Other Books by the Author:

The Death Cure

The Scorch Trials

The Kill Order

The Rule of Thoughts



Dashner, James. (2010). The Maze Runner. Delacorte Press Publisher.


Poetry for Young People: Maya Angelou

Poetry for Young People: Maya Angelou is a poetry book by Dr. Maya Angelou, edited by Dr. Edwin Wilson, and illustrated by Jerome Lagarrigue in 2007 for ages 8 and up.  This is a book of poetry of the historian and civil rights activist Dr. Maya Angelou. The book is compiled of twenty five of Dr. Angelou’s finest poems. The poems are captivating and are full of emotions. The poems are inspirational to say the least. Some of the poems that are included in this amazing book are, “Still I Rise” and “Me and My Work”. Children will be able to relate to this book of poems because many of the poems discuss experiences that one might endure. Many children can relate because they go through developmental struggles, so this can offer encouragement. This book will be a great tool for the classroom because the poems encourage hope and perseverance. I recommend this book to children young and old because it encourages them to keep their dreams alive. 

The illustrations enhance each one of the poems because they provoke emotions. The illustrations are beautiful and full of warm colors throughout. Children will be able to get a better understanding of the poems just by looking at the pictures alone. The illustrations are like beautiful paintings. They determine the mood of the poems.

Discussion Questions:

Why do you think poetry is important?

Which one of these poems do you relate to?

What are some of the experiences that you think Dr. Maya Angelou went through that encouraged her to write some of these poems?

How do you think the illustrations enhanced or supported the poems?


Poetry Activity (Understanding Poetry):

Have students draw pick out their favorite Dr. Maya Angelou poem. Have students explain the poem in their own words and draw a picture to support the poem. It might be fun for each student to share with the class. Have fun!


Books By the Author:

Maya Angelou: I Know Why Caged Bird Sings

The Complete Collected Poems of Maya Angelou

Life Doesn’t Frighten Me

Letter to my Daughter



Angelou, Maya. (2007). Poetry for Young People: Maya Angelou. Sterling Publishing.



Friday, February 13, 2015


The book, Stranded, is a contemporary realistic fiction novel written by Jeff Probst and Chris Tebbets in 2013, for ages 8 to 12 years old. This amazing book is about four young step-siblings on a boat expedition for family vacation to while their newly married parents are on a honeymoon. They were supposed to be getting to know each other better, but their vacation ended up in disaster when they encountered an unexpected storm. Unfortunately, the four siblings end up alone, with no adults, and shipwrecked in the middle of the ocean. They now have to try to survive this storm together. They have no one else to rely on but each other. The children have to learn about survival and how to be a team player.  

This is a chapter book was without many illustrations but the text is so descriptive that you can visualize the happenings without pictures. The text is exciting and it keeps the reader’s attention from the beginning until the end. The characters are described in great detail, which really draws the reader into the story. This book should definitely be used in the classroom because it teaches teamwork, preparedness, and survival.

Discussion Questions:

Describe the main characters of the story.

Do you think that the adults will be found?

How did the characters develop?

What do you think the characters could have done differently?

Do you think that you would be able to survive this type of disaster?

Which character do you most relate to?


Preparedness/Survival Activity:

You and your family are on a plane going on vacation. Your plane has electrical problems. The radio stops working before you can get out a distress message. You manage to land safely. Below is a list of gear on the plane. Your task is to rank order them in terms of their importance. Place the number 1 by the most important item, the number 2 by the second most important, and so on, through 15, the least important.

  • 2 Jackets
  • Canteen
  • Matches
  • Map and compass
  • 2 boxes of Pop Tarts
  • First Aid Kit
  • Plastic tarp
  • Knife
  • 50 feet of nylon rope
  • 2 cans of beans
  • Signal flares
  • Walkie-Talkie
  • Comic books
  • AM/FM radio  

Something Interesting About the Author:

Jeff Probst was the host of the reality show Survivor.

Other Books By Author:

Stranded: The Complete Adventure

Amazing Places

Outrageous Animals

Forbidden Passage

Trial By Fire
Probst, Jeff. (2013). Stranded. Puffin Books Publishing.






Sunday, February 8, 2015

Those Shoes

Those Shoes is a picture book written by, Maribeth Boelts, and illustrated by, Noah Jones in 2009. This book is intended for children ages 5 to 8 years old. This thought-provoking book is about a boy named, Jeremy. Jeremy, just like many children of today wanted some shoes that “everyone” was wearing but he couldn’t afford them. Jeremy’s grandmother doesn’t give in to his “wants”. She tries to teach him the difference between “want” and “need”. This book is full of emotions as Jeremy is embarrassed when his shoes fall apart at school. In the end Jeremy learns an important message about sharing. This is one of my favorite books on this project because it teaches children to appreciate what they have and shows a message of sharing. This book is excellent for the classroom setting as well as at home; especially in today’s society where expensive shoes are important some children.


The illustrations give the appearance of paintings on each page. The illustrations are easy for children to comprehend and they enhance the storyline. The illustrator was able to place emphasis on the importance of the shoes by giving most of the children the same black and white high top shoes. Some of the colors used in the book are of warm fall like colors but some of the colors were bold to show emotions.


Discussion questions:

Have you ever had something that you wanted badly?

After reading the story, what is the difference between want and need?

Do you think that Jeremy’s grandmother was right in not buying those expensive shoes for him?

Did Jeremy finally understand the importance of appreciating what he had?

Do you share with those in need?


Sharing Activity (Show and Tell):

Encourage students to bring objects into the classroom for Show and Tell. After they finish describing their objects, ask them to pass the object around to the rest of the students. The object should travel in a circle. Make sure that students do not harm the object or hold onto it for too long. When all of the objects are returned to the original owner, point out that they each shared their objects with their classmates. Ask the students how they felt when they shared their objects with others, as well as how the Show and Tell would have been different if they had not been able to see and hold the objects that their classmates brought in.


Other Books by Author:

Sleepy Bootsie

Before You Were Mine

The PS Brothers

Looking for Sleepy

Happy Like Soccer



Boelts, Maribeth. (2009). Those Shoes. Candlewick Publisher